New Beginnings

What is said in pottery classWinter wasn’t too bad this year was it?
I haven’t even had a chance to try out the new shoeshoes I got for Christmas!
As the days are starting to draw out now (thank goodness!) we are now into March and seeing more sunshine. I hope you are starting to get that renewed energy that Spring seems to garner.  It’s time to dust away the cobwebs, literally and metaphorically and tackle a few new projects that you have been procrastinating on all winter!

Have you been watching the Great Canadian Pottery Throwdown?

It’s a spin off from the Great British version which has been running for 6 seasons now.  My poor husband gets a double dose each week at the moment! If you enjoy watching creativity in action, then I can highly recommend it.  On CBC Gem on Thursday nights.

The image is of a sign I meant to make 10 years ago and finally did last year! A lot of informal therapy goes on in pottery classes!

Read the rest of our Spring Newsletter here. Consider signing up for our newsletter so you don’t miss out!

Firing Time pottery

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