It’s all about the feels

benefits of potteryAs I write this newsletter it’s actually snowing (again) but the clocks have changed and the buds on the trees are waiting to burst! We’re nearly there!

I recently gave a short talk at Brighton Public Library about the benefits of working with clay (of which there are many!) I thought I would share a few interesting points that I learnt whilst researching it.
In our modern, visual oriented world, we often neglect the sense of touch. The tactile nature of clay can allow us to get re-acquainted with this sense whilst having a calming effect on our mind. Many people that have tried working with clay, have found it to be totally immersive and sometimes a meditative process, especially on the potters wheel. 

to read more about the benefits of working with clay (if Brad Pitt does it, it must be cool!)

click here…

Firing Time pottery

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