’Tis the season….

It’s hard to believe Christmas is only 5 weeks away! Where did the year go? It’s silly season for me now – I’m in 5 shows between now and Christmas (Upcoming shows all listed under upcoming shows, obviously!) plus Christmas decoration...

Post holiday rejuvination

Well I’m back from holiday, feeling refreshed and raring to get my hands in the mud again at the next kids workshop this Thursday (Aug 18th) There are still a couple of places if your looking for something creative to do with the kids. Also, exciting...

Summer classes

Looking forward to having some summer fun with kids classes this summer! The dates are all posted under ‘upcoming workshops’. Now back to making those...

Girls night out Cobourg

I’m really excited to be involved with the Girl’s night out in downtown Cobourg this year! It’s going to be a fun evening and I’ll be giving FREE taster sessions on making a pinch pot. Sessions times are 6pm, 7pm and 8pm so book a spot to...
Firing Time pottery

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